* @fileOverview TMDB API Wrapper module.
* @author Mark McCoid
import axios from 'axios';
import _ from 'lodash';
const watchProviders = require('./watchProviders.json');
export const API_URL = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3';
// Init function to get base config variables
// so we don't call config each time
// Variables stored
// After config, to retrieve, run function getImgURLs to get the object with above vars
export let IMG_URL = '';
export let SECURE_IMG_URL = '';
export let API_KEY;
export let TV_GENRE_OBJ;
export let MOVIE_GENRE_OBJ;
export let API_OPTIONS = {
dateFormatString: 'MM-dd-yyyy',
* Initialization function that MUST be run before any other
* function can be accessed.
* Set a number of constants that can be accessed
* by calling the getTMDBConsts() function or by importing the
* constants themselves
* @param {string} apiKey - required API Key to access TMDB
* @param {object} options - options object {
* dateFormatString //dateFormatString as used by fns-date https://date-fns.org/v2.7.0/docs/format
* }
export async function initTMDB(apiKey, options = {}) {
API_OPTIONS = { ...API_OPTIONS, ...options };
API_KEY = apiKey;
let resp = await getConfig();
// TMDB API Call to get array of Id/Name objects
let tvGenreObj = await getTVGenres(true);
let movieGenreObj = await getMovieGenres(true);
TV_GENRE_OBJ = tvGenreObj.data;
MOVIE_GENRE_OBJ = movieGenreObj.data;
// Make sure config was returned with data
if (
resp.data === 'ERROR' ||
!resp.data.images.base_url ||
) {
IMG_URL = 'http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/';
SECURE_IMG_URL = 'https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/';
} else {
IMG_URL = resp.data.images.base_url;
SECURE_IMG_URL = resp.data.images.secure_base_url;
* Updates the API_OPTIONS objects
* @param {object} options - options object {
* dateFormatString //dateFormatString as used by fns-date https://date-fns.org/v2.7.0/docs/format
* }
export function updateAPIOptions(options = {}) {
API_OPTIONS = { ...API_OPTIONS, ...options };
* This function returns the needed constants that the TDMB calls
* need to get their data
* @param {object} - TMDB Constants
export function getTMDBConsts() {
return {
* Returns configuration information from TMDb.
* @returns {object} response object {data, msg}
* on success { data: data from api call, apiCall: API call}
* on error { data: 'ERROR', msg: error message, }
export const getConfig = () => {
const sortedWatchProviders = _.sortBy(watchProviders, [
const apiCall = `${API_URL}/configuration?api_key=${API_KEY}`;
return axios
.then((resp) => {
return {
data: { ...resp.data, sortedWatchProviders },
apiCall: resp.request.responseURL,
.catch((err) => {
console.log(`Error with config get: ${err}`);
return {
data: 'ERROR',
msg: err,
* Returns a TV Genre map from TMDb.
* @param {bool} [convertToObjectFlag=false] flag determines if we will convert the genres to from an Array of Object {id, name}
* @returns {object} response object {data, msg}
* on success { data: data from api call, apiCall: API call}
* on error { data: 'ERROR', msg: error message, }
export const getTVGenres = (convertToObjectFlag = false) => {
const apiCall = `${API_URL}/genre/tv/list?api_key=${API_KEY}`;
return axios
.then((resp) => {
return {
data: convertToObjectFlag
? convertGenreToObj(resp.data, 'tv')
: resp.data,
apiCall: resp.request.responseURL,
.catch((err) => {
console.log(`Error with config get: ${err}`);
return {
data: convertGenreToObj('ERROR', 'tv'), //this will return default genres
msg: err,
* Returns a Movie Genre map from TMDb.
* @param {bool} [convertToObjectFlag=false] flag determines if we will convert the genres to from an Array of Object {id, name}
* to a single object where the genre ids are the keys and the names are the values { 123: 'Horror', 234: 'Comedy', ...}
* @returns {object} response object {data, msg}
* on success { data: data from api call, apiCall: API call}
* on error { data: 'ERROR', msg: error message, }
export const getMovieGenres = (convertToObjectFlag = false) => {
const apiCall = `${API_URL}/genre/movie/list?api_key=${API_KEY}`;
return axios
.then((resp) => {
return {
data: convertToObjectFlag
? convertGenreToObj(resp.data, 'movies')
: resp.data,
apiCall: resp.request.responseURL,
.catch((err) => {
console.log(`Error with config get: ${err}`);
return {
data: convertGenreToObj('ERROR', 'movie'), //this will return default genres
msg: err,
* Take array of genre objects and convert to object:
* {
* [id]: genre name,
* }
* @param {object} genres
function convertGenreToObj(genreData, genreType) {
const { genres } = genreData;
if (genres === 'ERROR') {
// If there was an error getting genres, return canned ones below
return genreType === 'movie'
? {
10402: 'Music',
10749: 'Romance',
10751: 'Family',
10752: 'War',
10770: 'TV Movie',
12: 'Adventure',
14: 'Fantasy',
16: 'Animation',
18: 'Drama',
27: 'Horror',
28: 'Action',
35: 'Comedy',
36: 'History',
37: 'Western',
53: 'Thriller',
80: 'Crime',
878: 'Science Fiction',
9648: 'Mystery',
99: 'Documentary',
: {
10751: 'Family',
10759: 'Action & Adventure',
10762: 'Kids',
10763: 'News',
10764: 'Reality',
10765: 'Sci-Fi & Fantasy',
10766: 'Soap',
10767: 'Talk',
10768: 'War & Politics',
16: 'Animation',
18: 'Drama',
35: 'Comedy',
37: 'Western',
80: 'Crime',
9648: 'Mystery',
99: 'Documentary',
// genre data from API is an array of object {id, name}
// convert that into a single object for easy lookups.
return genres.reduce((final, genre) => {
final[genre.id] = genre.name;
return final;
}, {});
export * from './APIRaw';
export * from './APICurated';