- Source:
Raw API calls to the tmdb api end points that are COMMON across TV and Movies.
(static) rawSearchForPerson(personName, pageopt) → {object}
- Source:
Searches for person and returns results
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
personName |
string | Name of person to search for |
page |
number |
<optional> |
page number to return |
response object On success { data: data from api call, apiCall: API call}
On error throws ErrorObj
- Type
- object
(static) rawGetPersonDetails(personId) → {object}
- Source:
Returns Person Details from TMDb. Details of the person, not the show or movies they are in.
TMDB Developer API Docs - https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/credits/get-credit-details
Name | Type | Description |
personId |
string | TMDb show id |
response object {data, msg}
On success { data: data from api call, apiCall: API call}
On error throws ErrorObj
- Type
- object
(static) rawGetPersonImages(personId) → {object}
- Source:
Returns images for passed PersonId from TMDb.
TMDB Developer API Docs - https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/people/get-person-images
Name | Type | Description |
personId |
string | TMDb show id |
response object On success { data: data from api call, apiCall: API call}
On error throws ErrorObj
- Type
- object
(static) rawGetPersonCombinedCredits(personId) → {object}
- Source:
Returns a Person's combined credits from TMDb. These will be credits from TV and Movies. If you only want TV {@see rawTVGetPersonCredits}
TMDB Developer API Docs - https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/people/get-person-combined-credits
Name | Type | Description |
personId |
string | TMDb show id |
response object On success { data: data from api call, apiCall: API call}
On error ErrorObj
- Type
- object