- Source:
Raw API calls to the tmdb api end points for TV Shows.
(static) rawTVSearchByTitle(searchString, pageopt) → {object}
- Source:
Returns data from search by searchString
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
searchString |
string | String of title to search for |
page |
number |
<optional> |
page number to return if multiple pages from search |
response object {data, msg} on success { data: data from api call, apiCall: API call} on error { data: 'ERROR', msg: error message, }
- Type
- object
(static) rawTVGetShowDetails(showId) → {object}
- Source:
Returns show details for passed TMDb showId
Name | Type | Description |
showId |
string | TMDb show id |
response object {data, msg} on success { data: data from api call, apiCall: API call} on error { data: 'ERROR', msg: error message, }
- Type
- object
(static) rawTVGetEpisodes(showId, seasonNum) → {object}
- Source:
Return episodes from showId passed and seasonNum passed
Name | Type | Default | Description |
showId |
string | TMDb show id |
seasonNum |
number |
season number to get episodes from |
response object {data, msg} on success { data: data from api call, apiCall: API call} on error { data: 'ERROR', msg: error message, }
- Type
- object
(static) rawTVGetShowImages(showId) → {object}
- Source:
Returns show images for passed showId from TMDb.
Name | Type | Description |
showId |
string | TMDb show id |
response object {data, msg} on success { data: data from api call, apiCall: API call} on error { data: 'ERROR', msg: error message, }
- Type
- object
(static) rawTVGetExternalIds(showId) → {object}
- Source:
Returns external Ids from TMDb.
Name | Type | Description |
showId |
string | TMDb show id |
response object {data, msg} on success { data: data from api call, apiCall: API call} on error { data: 'ERROR', msg: error message, }
- Type
- object
(static) rawTVGetShowCredits(showId) → {object}
- Source:
Returns Credits for a show from TMDb. Looks like it return the main cast and crew for a show.
Name | Type | Description |
showId |
string | TMDb show id |
response object {data, msg} on success { data: data from api call, apiCall: API call} on error { data: 'ERROR', msg: error message, }
- Type
- object
(static) rawTVGetCreditDetails(creditId) → {object}
- Source:
Returns Credit Details from TMDb. Use rawTVGetShowCredits to get a creditId. Not sure of the usefullness of this one.
Name | Type | Description |
creditId |
string | TMDb show id |
response object {data, msg} on success { data: data from api call, apiCall: API call} on error { data: 'ERROR', msg: error message, }
- Type
- object