* @fileOverview Curated Common Calls. currently just searchForPersonId
* @author Mark McCoid
* Curated_API calls to the tmdb api end points that are **COMMON to both TV and Movies**.
* These calls all reference their raw counterparts, but only return selected data points.
* Also, things like dates are converted to javascript date formats and image data are
* converted to URL strings.
* @namespace Curated_API_Common
import {
} from '../APIRaw/TMDB_Common';
import { formatImageURL, parseToDate } from '../helpers';
* @typedef searchForPersonId_typedef
* @type {Object}
* @property {Object} data the data object
* @property {number} data.page current page returned
* @property {number} data.totalResults total number of persons found
* @property {number} data.totalPages total pages use for pagination
* @property {Array} data.results results of the search
* @property {number} data.results.id the personId
* @property {string} data.results.name
* @property {number} data.results.popularity
* @property {string} apiCall the API call used to hit endpoint
* Searches for person and returns results. Only returns the
* {id, name, popularity}, as it is expected to be used for
* searching for a person's id.
* @memberOf Curated_API_Common
* @method
* @param {string} personName - Name of person to search for
* @param {number} [page=1] - page number to return
* @returns {searchForPersonId_typedef} response object sorted by popularity desc
* on success { data: {
* page, totalpages, totalResults,
* results: [{ id, name, popularity }]}, apiCall: API call}
* on error { data: 'ERROR', msg: error message, }
function searchForPersonId(searchValue, page = 1) {
return rawSearchForPerson(searchValue, page).then((resp) => {
// console.log("personid return", resp);
let data = {
page: resp.data.page,
totalPages: resp.data.total_pages,
totalResults: resp.data.total_results,
let results = resp.data.results.map((person) => {
return {
id: person.id,
name: person.name,
popularity: person.popularity,
return {
data: {
// sort array of results by popularity then reverse to show in desc order (most popular first)
results: _.reverse(_.sortBy(results, ['popularity'])),
apiCall: resp.apiCall,
* @typedef getPersonDetails_typedef
* @type {Object}
* @property {Object} data results of the search
* @property {number} data.id the personId
* @property {string} data.name
* @property {date} data.birthday
* @property {date} data.deathDay
* @property {string} data.knownForDepartment
* @property {string} data.biography
* @property {string} data.placeOfBirth
* @property {string} data.profileImage
* @property {string} data.imdbId
* @property {string} apiCall the API call used to hit endpoint
* Returns Person Details from TMDB.
* This is basic information about the person, no shows or movies
* that they starred in or worked on are included.
* @memberOf Curated_API_Common
* @method
* @param {number} personId - personId to return info for
* @returns {getPersonDetails_typedef} response object sorted by popularity desc
* on success {
function getPersonDetails(personId) {
return rawGetPersonDetails(personId).then((resp) => {
// console.log("person Details", resp);
let personDetails = {
id: resp.data.id,
name: resp.data.name,
birthday: parseToDate(resp.data.birthday),
knownForDepartment: resp.data.known_for_department,
deathDay: parseToDate(resp.data.deathday),
biography: resp.data.biography,
placeOfBirth: resp.data.place_of_birth,
imdbId: resp.data.imdb_id,
profileImage: formatImageURL(resp.data.profile_path)[0],
return {
data: personDetails,
apiCall: resp.apiCall,
* @typedef getPersonImages_typedef
* @type {Object}
* @property {array} data results of the search
* @property {number} data.width
* @property {string} data.height
* @property {date} data.aspectRatio
* @property {string} data.imageURL
* @property {string} apiCall the API call used to hit endpoint
* Returns Person Images from TMDB.
* @memberOf Curated_API_Common
* @method
* @param {number} personId - personId to return info for
* @returns {getPersonImages_typedef} Array of person images (https://...)
* on success {
function getPersonImages(personId) {
return rawGetPersonImages(personId).then((resp) => {
let personImages = resp.data.profiles
.sort((a, b) => b.vote_average - a.vote_average)
.map((image) => {
return {
width: image.width,
height: image.height,
aspectRatio: image.aspect_ratio,
imageURL: formatImageURL(image.file_path)[0],
return {
data: personImages,
apiCall: resp.data.apiCall,
export { searchForPersonId, getPersonDetails, getPersonImages };